У циљу промовисања сарадње између Анхалт Универзитета у Десау и Универзитета у Београду која је званично основана 2013. године и ради повећања мобилности студената из Србије, Десау Институт за архитектуру, Анхалт Универзитета и Архитектонски факултет, Универзитета у Београду позивају студенте III године Основних академских студија Архитектура (ОАСА) да учествују на архитектонском конкурсу:
Баухаус павиљон у Београду 2019. године,
у име 100 година Баухаус манифеста
Овај конкурс је специјално прилагођен студентима III године ОАСА програма Универзитета у Београду – Архитектонског факултета, како би се изабрали студенти који ће бити награђени стипендијом за двогодишње Мастер студије архитектуре на Десау Институту за архитектуру, Анхалт Универзитета. Циљ конкурса је најбоље архитектонско решење привременог Баухаус павиљона за Београд 2019. године, павиљона који ће представљати реинтерпретацију Баухаус Манифеста (Валтер Гропиус, 1919) за XXI век.
Услов учешћа на конкурсу је познавање и коришћење енглеског језика!

“Marcel Breuer and His Harem” by Erich Consemüller, 1927
Student Architectural Competition for the Bauhaus Pavilion in Belgrade 2019 on behalf of the 100 years of Bauhaus Manifesto
In order to promote collaboration between architectural education programs of the Anhalt University in Dessau and the University of Belgrade that was officially established in 2013, and to stimulate mobility of the students from Serbia, Dessau Institute of Architecture, Anhalt University and Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade are inviting students of the 3rd year of Bachelor Academic Studies of Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade to participate architectural competition that is specifically tailored for them in order to select those ones that will be awarded with scholarship for the two year Master in Architecture Studies at Dessau Institute of Architecture, Anhalt University. The purpose of the competition is to obtain the architectural design for the temporary pavilion in Belgrade 2019 that will present XXI century reinterpretation of the Bauhaus Manifesto written by Walter Gropius in 1919.
Competition Brief
Bauhaus Manifesto 1919 and the following educational program of the Bauhaus school are signifying a turning point in the development of architecture at large. Bauhaus influence has spread long after school’s active period and irretrievably changed architecture thinking and practice in the XX century. The question imposed by this competition is addressing possibilities to imagine reinterpretations of the standpoints of Bauhaus Manifesto that could be relevant for the XXI century postindustrial age.
Participants are asked to examine the text of the manifesto written by Walter Gropius and to adopt it, sentence by sentence, in order to address a serial of actual issues, such as, evolution of information technology, environmental ecology, smart infrastructures, sustainable development, reuse of abandoned buildings, urban equity, social innovations, community participation, etc. Following the changes made in the text participants will develop architectural design for the temporary pavilion that will represent new ideas related to the XXI century actualization of the Bauhaus Manifesto. Pavilion will serve to an unseen architectural representation that could have important influence to the development of the architecture in the future as Bauhaus had.
Bauhaus pavilion in Belgrade is made for the year of 2019 on behalf of the 100 years of Bauhaus Manifesto. Participants will have to identify appropriate site in the city to place it. The pavilion has to have an ultimate footprint of 21,000m x 14,535m while the height could be defined by the author. All other programmatic, technical and formal elements of pavilion are under the concern of each participant and will be evaluated as constitutive part of the architectural design.
Submission Format
The project has to be submitted on three (3) printed cardboards of the A3 portrait (297mm x 420mm), and accompanied by maquette in 1:100. The pages have to be signed with the full name of the author in the bottom right corner and the number of the page in the top right corner.
The first page has to show the situation plan of the pavilion the city in 1:500 and 3D computers rendering of the pavilion in the urban context.
The second page shows appropriate layouts, elevations, and sections in 1:100.
The third page shows a new reinterpretation of the Bauhaus Manifesto for the year 2019 and one 3D computers rendering of the Bauhaus Pavilion.
Beside printed version, three A3 pages and one photo of the maquette have to be submitted in one web resolution PDF file via email to kucinakucina@gmail.com.
Submission Deadline
March 17, 2014 20h
Prof. Alfred Jacoby, Director DIA
dr Vladan Djokic, Dean FABU
mr Ivan Kucina, FABU
Post your submission to:
Ivan Kucina, Kabinet 238
Arhitektonski fakultet Beogradski Univerzitet
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73/2
11 000 Beograd
Or bring personally to Room 238 on March 17, 2014 from 18h to 20h
For more information and questions write to kucinakucina@gmail.com