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Позивамо Вас да присуствујете предавању:
Listening-to, learning-from?
Prof. dr Francesco Collotti-ја са Департмана за архитектуру – ДИДА, Универзитета у Фиренци, Италија (Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze – DIDA)

Место и време

Предавање ће се одржати 2. априла 2014. у 17.00 часова у сали 254, Универзитета у Београду – Архитектонског факултета, Булевар краља Александра 73/II, Београд.

WW1 Museum in Forte Belvedere / Werk Gshwent, Lavarone, Trento ❘ F.Collotti with G.Pirazzoli and V.Fantin

Listening-to, learning-from?



not random tourists: reading our cities / our landscapes as open books
(are the existing traces project forming?)

in the consciousness that is very difficult to invent something never seen before
(knowledge – based balance between archaeology and new-in-the-old?)

between site specific and global issues, resisting when somebody is telling you that anything goes
(from chance and arbitrariness to rational clarity and intellectual order?)

better inclusive than exclusive
(“and” rather than “or”?)

we are what we’re doing: open proposals for a sustainable, site specific and responsible contemporary architecture.
(from irresponsible opinion to true responsible judgement?)

linking research, teaching and professional work
(all together: learning)

Landscape and Environment, Cultural Heritage and Museums, Art/Architecture

We beg your pardon in advance, trying to be anyway quite far from the fashionable, global, glamorous, unsustainable and bit ridiculous star system architect’s market. Coming back to our job, erecting walls, sizing up the landscape, creating spaces and provoking emotions, endorsing the silence between notes. Supporting the reasons of what once was called Composizione architettonica, learning a place, a square, a distance by drawing, testing principles of settlement, knowing how to allow relations, establish hierarchies, attribute weights, discipline masses, working with the apparently empty spaces.

Cafe bookshop of the WW1 Museum in Forte Belvedere / Werk Gshwent, Lavarone, Trento ❘ F.Collotti with M.Boasso and V.Fantin


Francesco Collotti (1960) is architect (PhD) and Associate professor of Architectural design, University of Florence; gastdozent at ETH Zürich/Institut GTA in architectural theory (1994-96) and visiting professor at Architectural Department/Universität Dortmund; Professor at SSEAU European Higher School of Urban Architecture, Naples; he gave lectures at the University Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Argentina etc.

Major works presented in architectural reviews and publications:
primary school in Peschiera Borromeo (Mi) – built 1990; piazza and urban center in Peschiera Borromeo (Milan), built 2003 (1st Prize international competition Architettura colorata, exposition and catalogue 2005 Triennale di Milano “Italian architects under 50”, presented Werk b+w 1/2006); environmental and landscape reconfiguration lakeside Varese, built 2003; public housing and urban park in Origgio (Varese), built 1999; Project museum WW1 in former austrian-hungarian fortress Gschwent/Belvedere (Lavarone – Südtirol), built 2001 with G.Pirazzoli (Firenze Architettura 1&2 2005 and Archi 3/2002); Masterplan and project for social housing in Zibido San Giacomo (Milan), built 2004, with F.Ravara; Exhibition in Roma Vittoriano, From Anti-Jewish Laws to Shoah 1938/1945 Seven Years of Italian History, built 2004, with G.Pirazzoli; museum in the fortress of Pozzacchio (Vallarsa, Südtirol) and reconfiguration of WW1 battlefields/strongpoints into fortified landscapes, 2003/2007 with G.Pirazzoli; Agriculture Departments at the new campus of Università degli Studi di Firenze (2004-2007).

Short bibliography as author:
La prova di Salzburg (Milano 1993); Essays Ornamento and Restauro creativo in Dizionario dei termini utili all’architetto moderno (Faenza 1993); DOMUS Dossier Musei (Milano 1994); Architekturtheoretische Notizen (Luzern 2001); Case normali? (München 2001); Le colonne di San Lorenzo (Dortmund 2002), Appunti per una teoria dell’archittettura (Luzern 2002).

Editorial activities:
member of editorial staff Domus (1986-95); editorial board Fondazione Masieri in Venezia and member of editorial staff Phalaris (1989-94); editorial board Rivista tecnica and Archi (CH); actually italian correspondant of WERK B+W.
