Међународни фестивал
Позивамо Вас на 7. међународни фестивал One Architecture Week у Пловдиву у Бугарској. Фестивал ће се одржати од 10. до 19. октобра 2014. године, а програм фестивала прате презентације, изложбе, дискусије, радионице, пројекције и урбане интервенције, као и архитектонске радионице за децу.
Програм фестивала биће употпуњен и догађајем који ће се одржати 18. октобра 2014, када ће на професионалном Форуму наступити главни говорници, имена из света савремене архитектуре из седам земаља и са три континента:
Roberto González Garcia – Andres Jacques Architects (Spain),
Frances Edgerley – Assemble (UK),
Maria Aiolova – Terreform ONE (Bulgaria/USA),
Pierre Lohou – Collectif Etc (France),
Doreen Liu – NODE Office (China),
Noura Al-Sayeh – Bahrain.
Њима ће се придружити и João Ruivo из португалског архитектонског бироа FORA који је победио на међународном конкурсу за идејно решење централног трга Пловдива, организованом од стране фестивала One Architecture Week, WhAT асоцијације и Општине Пловдив. Ruivo ће презентовати победнички рад и представити биро FORA.
Присуствовање фестивалу је бесплатно, осим предавања на Форуму 18.10.2014, чија нормална цена котизације износи 80 лв, док је за студенте и кориснике ISIC картица снижена цена од 50 лв.

Seventh edition of One Architecture Week
Under the theme The Possible Impossible, the seventh edition of One Architecture Week will focus on architecture that sees beyond itself and questions conventional practices. By rethinking architecture as cultural matter, OAW will try to draw attention to fundamental issues of contemporary culture, blur professional boundaries and establish connections where none exist.
“What all the speakers in this exciting line up have in common is that they share an unconventional view towards architecture and defy the status quo by offering unusual solutions when faced with problems of urban environment,” says Ljubo Georgiev, Director of One Architecture Week. “The keynote speakers’ diverse background in terms of specialization and geographic scope will give participants in the Forum a unique perspective on current trends, global and local topics, as well as a valuable field for networking”, added Georgiev.
One Architecture Week
One Architecture Week is an annual international festival for architecture, which will have its 7th edition in October 10th-19th 2014. Launched in 2008 as a two-day conference under the name Sofia Architecture Week, the event expanded into a more than a week-long meeting and idea exchange platform for architecture, interior design, landscape and urban environment.Through stimulating a broad professional and public debate the festival aims at initiating sustainable social and architectural practices. The diverse and intense program features presentations, exhibitions, discussions, workshops, screenings and urban interventions as well as architectural workshops for the youngest.
Every year One Architecture Week focuses on a specific topic with a fresh curatorial team – in 2014 those are the architects from the Bulgarian studio for architecture and design dontDIY.
Organizers of the festival are EDNO in partnership with America for Bulgaria Foundation.
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За више информација:
Peter Grudov
Public Relations
+ 359888778199