Pozivamo Vas na jedanaesto predavanje pod naslovom “Supertanker and the urbanism of the situation in Copenhagen” u okviru ciklusa Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja na kome će se predstaviti Martin Severin Frandsen i Martin Rosenkreutz Madsen, članovi grupe urbanista Supertanker iz Kopenhagena. Predavanje pripada tematskom ciklusu Grad i društvo.
Supertanker je grupa urbanista koja se bavi istraživanjem i razvijanjem mogućnosti za društvenu, kulturnu i političku participaciju putem urbanizma, relacione umetnosti i dizajna, urbane pedagogije, medijacije procesa i društvene inovacije. Supertanker će na ovom predavanju predstavljati Martin Severin Frandsen, urbanista i istraživač akcija u prostoru i društvu, i Martin Rosenkreutz Madsen, umetnik i dramaturg, koji rade sa Supertankerom već više godina. Oni će predstaviti glavne aspekte nastojanja Supertankera da razvije ‘urbanizam situacije’ – kako u neaktiviranim prostorima Kopenhagena, tako i u regulisanijim zonama suburbanog stanovanja.
Supertanker is a group of urbanists researching and developing the possibilities of social, cultural and political participation through urbanism, relational art and design, urban pedagogy, process facilitation and social innovation. Supertanker is represented in this lecture by Martin Severin Frandsen, urbanist and action researcher, and Martin Rosenkreutz Madsen, artist and dramaturg. They have both been working with Supertanker for several years. They will present the main aspects of Supertanker’s attempt to unfold an ‘urbanism of the situation’ – both in the vague spaces of Copenhagen and in the more disciplined spaces of suburban housing estates.

Martin Severin Frandsen & Martin Rosenkreutz Madsen
Vreme i mesto
/18.00 časova/
/Univerzitet u Beogradu – Arhitektonski fakultet/
/18.00 hours/
/University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture/
Martin Severin Frandsen, urbanist and action researcher
Leading member of Supertanker since 2005 where he has been in charge of several projects from conferences to longer participatory processes. He has participated in the establishment of a new program of urban planning studies at Roskilde University. He has documented his work in the articles “Urban Co-Creation” (with Lene Pfeiffer, about new participatory methods) and “Situationens urbanisme” (“An urbanism of the situation” with Jan Lilliendahl Larsen, about new participatory currents in the urban life and development of Copenhagen and abroad)
Martin Rosenkreutz Madsen, artist and dramaturg
Leading member of Supertanker since 2008 where he has been working with collaborative, artistic and participatory aspects of community design and development. He is co-coordinator of a large social project in a suburban housing area in Copenhagen. He has documented the seven years of work here in the book “Urban Co-Creation 2640 Charlottekvarteret”.
Supertanker and the urbanism of the situation in Copenhagen
Supertanker’s presentation will attempt to unfold a conception of an ‘urbanism of the situation’. It will show how the development of this alternative form of urbanism, which counters the reductive dominance of contemporary ‘disciplinary urbanism’, has been underway for some decades through collaborations between avantgarde art groups, urban social movements and critical urban intellectuals. Its focus is the rediscovery of the intimate relations between bodies, society and space.
The development of this peculiar urbanism is traced, firstly, in the historical avantgardes, the situationists and their collaboration with Henri Lefebvre in particular, through the contemporary ‘urbanists of the situation’, where spatial and temporal urban oeuvres are shown to be essential aims as well as means of a political and aesthetic rediscovery of participation in the development of cities; secondly, in the recent subcultural history of Copenhagen, which shows both how relatively autonomous ‘urbanisms of the situation’ develop and how their culture and oeuvres can be co-opted by disciplinary urbanism.

TDS Urban Sculpture | Image © Supertanker

The Juice Bar | Image © Supertanker
The schoolyard of a public school in central Copenhagen was to be developed in to hybrid public space. The purpose was to create more space for the school children and invite the local neighborhood to use the space outside scheduled school hours. Supertanker facilitated the involvement of school pupils and the public in generating ideas for this new hybrid space. In addition to this process two ideas developed by the pupils was build as temporary physical interventions: TDS Urban Sculpture and The Juice Bar. Both projects were built with the participation of the school children and parents. TDS is the short name/tag of the school. The Juice Bar was built as part of the fence that was to be removed eventually.

Youth Garden project | Image © Supertanker
In a disciplined and disadvantaged neighbourhood in the suburbs of Copenhagen young people designed and built themselves a “youth garden” which expresses the perspective and the spirit of the youths. The project became a landmark for a rising culture of co-creation in the neighbourhood that since has been developed further. Now this method is part of the general urban planning process in the area. The picture shows the inauguration of the youth garden beach party style in mid November.

Homeless shelter project | Image © Supertanker
Contact space in the shelter Mændenes Hjem in central Copenhagen where homeless people and drug addicts can buy food, get clean tools for injection and medical care. The space enables an informal social engagement between the users and social workers. Supertanker facilitated the interior design process and the construction together with the users and the staff. The picture shows the users preparing the furniture before paint is applied.

Free Trial! dramatic conflict mediation | Image © Supertanker
Since 2003 Supertanker has facilitated a series of public hearings on controversial urban issues in Copenhagen by means of the theatrical Free Trial! conflict mediation method. The method was developed by Supertanker as a hybrid between a panel debate and a court case, and draws on the tradition of political and activist theatre.
Selected publications
Jan Lilliendahl Larsen: “Lefebvrean vaguenesses: going beyond diversion in the production of new spaces”. In. Łukasz Stanek, Christian Schmid and Ákos Moravánszky (eds): Urban Revolution Now: Henri Lefebvre in Social Research and Architecture, Ashgate, 2014
Martin Severin Frandsen and Lene Pfeiffer Petersen: “Urban Co-creation”, in Jesper Simonsen et al. (eds): Situated Design Methods. MIT Press, 2014.
Jens Brandt, Martin Frandsen and Jan Lilliendahl Larsen: “Supertanker: in search of urbanity”, in arq: architecture research quarterly, Vol. 12, Nr. 2, 2008, s. 173-181.