International workshop
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture
November 05 – 09th 2015
The Workshop is a unique chance to initiate new ideas, new technologies and new energies. It is inspired by the vision to activate the potentials of Belgrade and to present positive initiatives that aim to foster a more economically, ecologically and socially sustainable development of cities in the CEE-region.
The Workshop will bring together at the same table representatives of the academic community, policy-makers and practitioners.
The workshop has the aim to analyze and test potentials for integrated urban development including its soft and hard infrastructure in order to develop scenarios to resolve problems of today, but also taking into consideration future expectations. Urban development of cities in Central and Eastern (CEE) requires more flexible approaches. Planning must be oriented on a practical application of adaptive management and integrated development. In the context of overall economic and environmental crisis a detailed analysis of the potentials and needs of existing urban infrastructure, public spaces and its users.
Most cities in CEE are being caught up in a dynamic technical and legislative revolution. This leads to an unbalanced and unsustainable urban development. In this context, the post-socialist period is characterized by an interest of different stakeholders to overcome this crisis of the urban environment. The specific feature of the framework conditions for urban regeneration in transition states and new EU member states became an important challenge for their planning and development in several dimensions – instrumental, methodological and philosophical.
Under the condition of rapid transformations of economic and social systems, in the transition phase from industrial to knowledge based society – combined with the effects of global competition and overall economic crisis, internal ability of the settlement structures seems to be impaired to such extend that the processes of transformations must be discussed in an integrated manner.
– Slovak University Of Technology
– University Of Tartu
– ETH Zürich
– University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture
Organised by
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture with support of
Urban-Think Tank Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, ETH Zurich
Research areas
– Critically assessing and testing existing smart and creative city paradigms for integrated urban development and its relevance to CEE
– Developing integrated approaches to design and planning and analyzing its implications on urban policies
– Investigating the principles of new technologies and their potentials and limitations
– Analyzing the potential and inclusion of existing infrastructures and existing users
– Overall objectives of the study is to provide inputs for strategic decisions at the political and administrative levels for a systematic implementation of innovative approaches in urban design
– In order to preserve cultural identity, as well as the concept of the existing modern city, its user groups, aesthetics and philosophy, the potentials to preserve the physical structure,
but also to recognize ways for re-programmation as a part of the continuous and sustainable planning process
Thursday, 05.11.2015_______________
Amphitheater, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture__ |
16.00 – 17.00 INTRODUCTION 16.00 – 16.30 17.00 – 19.00 17.00 – 18.00 |
Friday, 06.11.2015_______________
City hall and Open Classroom on the riverfront – TBC__ |
11.00 – 14.00 FIELD TRIP – VISITING CURRENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF BELGRADE (Open Classroom on the riverfront) The field trips serve to provide visual overview on Belgrade’s challenges and potentials. They serve as basis for the discussion rounds and workshop creation NOVI BEOGRAD WATERFRONT (Ksenija Lalović) 15.00 – 18.00 |
Saturday, 07.11.2015_______________
Library, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture__ |
09.00 – 10.00 Verica Krstic (Univeristy of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture) „Smart (cities) cooperation” 10.00 – 15.00 BREAK 18.00 – 21.00 18.00 – 19.00 |
Sunday, 08.11.2015_______________
Library, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture__ |
10.00 – 13.00 GUEST PRESENTATION – CITY CASE STUDIES – Presenting work in progress 10.00 – 11.00 BREAK 17.00 – 20.00 |
Monday, 09.11.2015_______________
Artget Gallery, The Cultural Centre of Belgrade__ |