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University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture team, the finalist of Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 competition – TWIST BOX project, 2016

The team of our students made remarkable success becoming one of the 23 finalist teams which will have opportunity to create their architectural design of a solar pavilion at Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018, the international competition  that will take place in Dubai.

TWIST BOX project has been developed during the spring term of 2015/16 as a part of seminar and workshop within Studio M02 AT, as the first stage of the competition, with the support and participation or the group of teachers, associates and PhD students of the Architecture and Electrical Engineering Faculties of the University of Belgrade.

The official presentations of the finalists took place during the World Green Economy Summit – WGES in Dubai, October 5th, 2016. Our team was represented by Nemanja Brzakovic, the student of the second year of Master Studies Architecture.



Representatives of the finalist teams of Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 competition at the World Green Economy Summit – WGES, Dubai, 2016

Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 is the international student multidisciplinary competition with the aim of raising awareness about energy efficient and bioclimate approach to design of architecture objects, and all benefits coming out of it. The final aim of the competition is to realise a multifunctional, energy efficient and self-sustainable pavillion which uses only solar energy for its functioning. Participation at the competition requires continuous two year project development, production of all elements and components, within school activities and beyond. In the final stage of the competition, all teams have to build their pavillions that will be open to public during the agreed period for international jury to evaluate them in 10 different categories (’decathlon’).

In the following period we will follow further development of the project, involving not only students from the University of Belgrade, but other partners from public and private sector.

During 2017 we hope to see the final object being built in Belgrade. It will be transported to Dubai in 2018 to stend side by side with other objects built by the international student teams that participate in this prestigeous competition.

The Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade Team:
Teachers: dr Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, assistant professor, dr Ljiljana Đukanović, assistant professor, dr Dušan Ignjatović, assistant professor
PhD students: Nevena Lukić, Vladimir Bojović
Master students: Nemanja Brzaković, Tamara Kostić, Marina Mihailović, Ana Marija Golob, Saša Perišić, Iva Babović, Aleksandra Nikolić, Jovana Petković, Jelena Grozdanić, Goran Tomić, Jovana Laketić, David Jeremić, Vladimir Kuntić, Bojan Vasiljević

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade Team:
Teachers: dr Željko Đurišić, assistant professor; Dimitrije Kotur, teaching assistant

Visit project’s official website for more information: TWIST BOX



University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture team, the finalist of Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 competition – TWIST BOX project, 2016