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International Workshop
“Designing Housing and City Transformations – Нови Београд”
The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture

01-05 June 2017

University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture
Urban-Think Tank Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Prof. Alfredo Brillembourg & Prof. Hubert Klumpner, ETH Zurich

The workshop will take place at the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade in the period 01 – 05 June 2017. Workshop is realized within the project Smart and Creative Cities for Knowledge-Based Societies, as a result of cooperation between Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade and ETH Zurich under the SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) SCOPES Program.

The goal of the workshop is to emphasize opportunities for the activation and re-adaptation of New Belgrade’s modernist housing and open space legacy and to present initiatives concerned with encouraging economic, environmental and social aspects of urban development. The workshop will gather around representatives from academia, the public sector, experts from practice and students of different levels of study in order to foster a multi-disciplinary, inter-sectorial and divergent thinking engaged with both bottom – up and top – down approaches to urban development.

Today urban development requires more flexible approaches to the contemporary urban problems and according to that, the utilization of innovative approaches including technology in urban areas is both inevitable and necessary. In the developing of such approaches, analysis and testing of potentials for integrated urban development should be based on consideration and the inclusion of in the planning and management process. Taking into account that the concepts of the smart, creative as well sustainable and responsive city etc, is becoming increasingly used in the professional narrative, the workshop will critically assess these concepts and propose transformation proposals to the variety of different spatial patterns of urban space of Novi Beograd.

Related Stories:
Guest Lectures: Prof. Alfredo Brillembourg “Urban-Think Tank: Housing the City” and Haris Piplaš “Reactivating Sarajevo’s (Dis)continuous urbanism”
Guest lecture: “The Robotic Touch – How Robots Change Architecture” by Professor Fabio Gramazio
International workshop: Smart and Creative Cities for Knowledge-based Societies

Workshop explores the possibilities of application these innovative concepts to the modernist legacy of New Belgrade. Block 21 is a representative example of Belgrade’s large-scale residential settlement built in 1966 according to modernist principles and created under the cultural influences of socialist ideology. Today, in the period of post-socialist transition, numerous ideas for the transformation of New Belgrade emerged, however, no adequate solutions have been found so far. The selected case study of Block 21 represents an urban laboratory where the participants will explore the possibilities of spatial improvement of the New Belgrade without disturbing the integrity of the architectural and urban expression.

The results of the workshop should develop design and planning solutions for housing units and open spaces in order to improve the urban and life quality of the citizens.

During the workshop, Prof. Alfredo Brillembourg and Haris Piplaš from ETH Zurich will hold lectures at the Faculty of Architecture.

The lectures will take place on:
June 2nd (Friday), 19.00h

at Nebojša tower, Belgrade Fortress


J U N E 1st (Thursday)

09.30 – 12.00
Preparatory Meeting with ETH team and local team incl. PhD students
ETH team: Haris Piplas and Melanie Fessel
Local team: 5 PhD students (Aleksandra Đorđević, Jelena Radosavljević, Mladen Pešić, Predrag Jovanović, Marija Cvetković, Jelena Marić) + 10 Master students
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, library

13.00 – 14.00
Visit to University of Belgrade
Studentski trg 1
Vice-Rector Nada Kovačević, PhD

14.30 – 17.00
City Walking Tour “contextualization” in the City
site visits and discussion, incl. tour through New Belgrade modernist mega block (SCOPES case study) with partners and students team (photographs and video camera) in workshop modus (booklet included)

17.00 – 18.00
Workshop review
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Hall 254

18.00 – 20.00
Public discussion with presentations: “Potentials and challenges for transforming cities into inclusive, integrated and smart places”
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Hall 200

Professor Vladan Djokić, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
Opening speech

Professor Alfredo Brillembourg, ETH Zurich
Introducing the Urban-Think Tank Toolbox
Haris Piplas, ETH Zurich
SCOPES: Introducing challenges and potentials of activating and transforming CEE cities
Professor Borislav Stojkov, Director, Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia (AESS)
Systematic Approach to Smart and Creative Cities in Serbia
Milena Vukmirović, City of Belgrade
Belgrade today and visionary projects
Assistant Professor Ana Nikezić, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
Smart challenges: Belgrade case study, Block 21

Panel discussion participants:
Professor Vladan Djokić, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
Professor Alfredo Brillembourg, Haris Piplas, ETH Zurich
Professor Borislav Stojkov, The Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia (AESS)
Professor Dejan Filipović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography
Professor Ružica Bogdanović, Faculty of Transport Engineering, University of Belgrade.
Milena Vukmirović, City of Belgrade
Associate Professor Ana Nikezić, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
Associate Professor Aleksandra Stupar, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
Associate Professor Marija Maruna, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
Marija Lalošević, Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade
Svetlana Dimitrijević, Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments

Welcome dinner

J U N E 2nd (Friday)

09.00 – 10.00
Workshops review
Students from both workshops
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Hall 254/200

10.00 – 11.00
Visit to Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade
Palmotićeva 30
Vesna Tahov, Director
Nataša Danilović Hristić, Coordinator for Quality

12.00 – 13.00
Visit to Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
Gornji Grad 14, 11 000 Belgrade

14.00 – 15.00
Reception at Swiss Embassy
Embassy of Switzerland, Bulevar Oslobodjenja 4
Ursula Läubli, Director Swiss Cooperation Office

16.00 – 18.00
Additional site visit for documentation – New Belgrade
Optional: other urbanistic case studies – Waterfront/Decayed-gentrified area, informal settlement Kaludjerica

09.00 – 18.00
PhD and Master Students Workshop (in parallel)
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Hall 254, Hall 200

Evening Lectures,
Prof. Alfredo Brillembourg “Urban-Think Tank: Housing the City”,
Haris Piplas “Reactivating Sarajevo’s (Dis)continuous urbanism”
Bulevar Vojvode Bojovića

J U N E 3rd (Saturday)

Visit of most important Museums and potential important follow-up meetings

12.00 – 18.00
University of Belgrade Workshop with Master and PhD students,
production based on partner’s material + collected day before
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Hall 254/200

Dinner with local partners and most important stakeholders

J U N E 4th (Sunday)

09.00 – 18.00
University of Belgrade Workshop with Master and PhD students (in parallel)
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Hall 254/200

J U N E 5th (Monday)

10.00 – 10.30
Meeting with Milutin Folic, City Architect

09.00 – 18.00
University of Belgrade Workshop with Master and PhD students (in parallel)
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Hall 254, Hall 200

Final Meeting and Presentation with University of Belgrade colleagues and students
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Hall 254, Hall 200

ETH ZURICH -Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Profs. Brillembourg & Klumpner, ETH Zurich
• Professor Alfredo Brillembourg
• Professor Hubert Klumpner
• Haris Piplas
• Melanie Fessel
• Nadya Vonmoos
• Michael Walczak

• Professor Vladan Djokić
• Assistant Professor Ana Nikezić
• Verica Krstić
• Aleksandra Djordjević
• Jelena Radosavljević

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
(Library, Hall 200, Hall 254)
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73/II
11000 Beograd, Srbija

Swiss National Science Foundation