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Call For Applications

The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, in Belgrade is now enrolling 10 tuition paying students for the first year of Doctoral academic studies 2018/19 in the English language.

The following conditions apply to candidates who wish to be enrolled:
– Candidates who completed master academic studies i.e. integrated studies mentioned in Article 80, Paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Statute of the University of Belgrade, achieving at least 300 ECTS points and a grade point average of at least 8.00 in the primary and master academic studies.

– Candidates who have acquired, or will acquire a VII-1 degree according to the regulations that were valid until the entry into force of the Law on Higher Education, if they have completed their primary studies with a grade point average of at least 8.00 (eight) and unless otherwise specified by special enrollment conditions for a particular study program.

– Candidates who have a grade point average less than 8.00 may also apply if they have scientific papers published in journals from the list of the line ministry prior to enrollment in Doctoral studies, in accordance with the general acts of the faculty, i.e. the University.

All candidates must be able to speak English (average level B1).

All candidates shall take an Entrance Exam to check their preference for scientific/artistic research work in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning.

The ranking of candidates shall be determined as follows:
– up to 20% of the total number of points – average grade in the previous study programs,
– up to 20% of the total number of points – motivation letter
– up to 20% of the total number of points – candidate biography
– up to 20% of the total number of points – test and
– up to 20% of the total number of points – interview.

The Entrance Exam consists of two parts:
1. Test
2. Interview

The Test shall be carried out in one day, in one shift, lasting up to 2 hours.

The Interview shall be conducted during the same day for all the candidates.

The application fee is 50 Euros, or the equivalent value in Serbian Dinars (RSD) on the day of payment, according to the exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia.

The annual tuition fee for the students will be 5000 EUR, or the equivalent value in Serbian Dinars (RSD) on the day of payment, according to the exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia.


Terms And Procedure For The Entrance Exam Application

Candidate applications will be submitted online by completing the Application form on the website of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade:
Application Form to Doctoral Studies 2018/19 by 21 February 2019, until 16.00.

The list of candidates, with personal data and average grades from the previous study programs, will be posted on the Faculty’s website on 21 February 2019, at 17.00.

If the personal data and data on average grades is incorrect, the candidate can file an objection to the Entrance Exam Commission by sending a complaint in the form of a separate document to: doctoral.school@arh.bg.ac.rs by 22 February 2019.

The Entrance Exam will be held on 25 February 2019, at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, according to the following schedule:

– Test – 25 February 2019, from 10.00-12.00
– Interview – 25 February 2019, from 14.00-16.00.

The preliminary Ranking List will be published on 25 February 2019, at 18:00 on the Faculty’s website.

Any complaints about the preliminary Ranking List should be submitted to the Entrance Exam Commission in writing solely and personally, on 26 February 2019, between 10.00-14.00 in room 204 of the Faculty.

The Commission’s Decision on the candidate’s complaints will be published on 26 February 2019, at 16:00, on the Faculty’s website.

Complaints about the Commission’s Decision should be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty, in writing, solely and personally, on 27 February 2019, by 16.00, in room 204 of the Faculty.

The final decision of the Dean of the Faculty concerning complaints will be submitted to the candidates and the Commission on 27 February 2019, at 18:00, in room 204 of the Faculty.

The final Ranking List will be published on 28 February 2019, at 10:00 on the Faculty’s website.

The enrollment of the candidates will be conducted on 1 March 2019, from 12.00-14.00 in room 204 of the Faculty.

The candidates shall be allowed to enroll based on the final Ranking List, in accordance with the prescribed enrollment quota, and after providing necessary academic data, including a decision on the recognition of a foreign public document. If the candidates who have acquired the right to enroll do not enroll within the prescribed deadline, the Faculty will enroll the appropriate number of candidates excluding them, according to the order in the final Ranking List.

How To Apply

Fill in the Application Form to Doctoral Studies 2018/19 by 21 February 2019, until 16.00 and attach the required documents in PDF.

When applying the candidates shall submit the following:

1. A decision on the recognition of a foreign public document. If the recognition procedure has not been completed, these candidates shall also submit a certificate that the procedure is ongoing (the original documents are to be submitted).

2. Degree certificates from each University attended, including official register lists of study courses taken for the degree (transcripts of records).

The scans of original documents are acceptable for this stage. If the document has any elements that are in color (stamps, text, signatures etc.) then please scan it in color. Remember to include all pages of documents that contain any type of text/writing, even if it’s on a back page. Be sure that everything in the document is visible on the scan.

All documents must be in English. If the original document is in a different language, it must be officially translated in English by an authorized translator.

3. Motivation letter, including brief description of the field of research the candidate is interested in, and research plan.

4. CV.

5. Copy of passport.

6. Proof of payment of the application fee (50 Euros).

The application must be accompanied by the payment.

Given that payments in foreign currency (wire transfer) takes more time, in order to speed up the process, please send in the proof of payment SWIFT number with your name and address to doctoral.school@arh.bg.ac.rs (Subject: Payment notification).

For payments in Serbian Dinars (RSD), please attach a scanned payment slip.

For payments in foreign currency:
IBAN/ACCOUNT NUMBER: RS35840000000006479049
ADDRESS OF BANK: The National Bank of Serbia (NBS), Nemanjina 17, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

* Please add bank charges for payments in foreign currency.

For payments in Serbian Dinars (RSD):
PAYER: Name and surname, address
PURPOSE OF PAYMENT: Tuition fee for the first year of Doctoral academic studies, (first installment)
RECIPIENT: The Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73/II, 11000 Belgrade
AMOUNT: amount defined by agreement
RECIPIENT’S BANK ACCOUNT: 840 – 1436666 – 34

Entrance Exam

The candidates applying for enrollment in the first year of Doctoral academic studies shall take an Entrance Exam to check their preference for scientific and artistic research work in the field of Architecture and Urbanism.

The Entrance Exam has a classification character. The maximum number points to be earned is 100.

The exam points shall be distributed as follows:
+ Average grade of candidates earned in previous study programs shall be valued up to a maximum of 20 points.
The sum of average grades for all subjects in all years of study (primary and graduate studies according to the new Law on Higher Education, i.e. primary studies until the entry into force of the new Law on Higher Education) shall be taken into account as the performance of the candidates in the previous study programs.

+ The motivation letter up to a maximum of 20 points.
The motivation letter will determine a candidate’s specific field of expertise and interest, the reasons for applying for doctoral studies, and they should explain the field of research they want to pursue while attending the doctoral studies. The letter should not be more than 500 words long.

+ The biography shall be valued up to a maximum of 20 points.
In the biography a candidate should indicate their references that can clearly show their preference for scientific/artistic research in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning. Above all this should include their published scientific and expert papers, awards and recognitions, participation in competitions, participation in exhibitions, participation at workshops, as well as other activities of relevance to the candidate’s request to attend the doctoral academic studies in the field of architecture and urban planning.

+ The test shall be valued up to a maximum of 20 points.
The test shall check the preference and ability of candidates for scientific/artistic research in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning. The test is in the form of an essay to assess the ability of candidates to express their views on a particular subject.

+ The interview shall be valued up to a maximum of 20 points.
The interview shall determine and examine the candidate’s ability to consistently and principally represent their views related to the fields of scientific and artistic interest for the future research work.

Enrollment Of Candidates

The enrollment of candidates will be conducted on 1 March 2019, between 10.00-14.00, in room 204 of the Faculty.

If the candidates who have acquired the right to enroll do not enroll within the prescribed deadline, the Faculty will enroll alternative candidates according to the determined order in the final Ranking List, on 3 March 2019, at 12:00, in room 204 of the Faculty.

When enrolling the candidates must submit the following documents:
A decision on the recognition of a foreign public document; if the recognition procedure has not been completed, these candidates shall also submit a certificate that the procedure is ongoing (the original documents are to be submitted);
A certified copy of the candidate’s passport,
Evidence of health insurance for the school year they are enrolling in,
2 x [ŠV-20] forms,
An academic transcript,
Two photographs 4.5 x 3.5cm,
Proof of tuition payment,
The Study Agreement signed in 4 copies.

Before submitting the enrollment documents the candidates who have acquired the right to enroll are obliged to sign the Study Agreement with the Faculty, which closely regulates mutual rights and obligations. The agreement also determines the level of tuition fee.

The annual tuition fee can be paid in two installments, which is described in the Study Agreement.

The conditions and rules of study are determined by the Law on Higher Education, the Statute of the University of Belgrade and the Statute of the Faculty of Architecture.

By signing the enrollment sheet, the candidate confirms that they accept the rights and obligations defined by the statutes and the relevant rulebooks of the University and the Faculty.