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Guest Lecture: “Prioritisation of Socio-economic Benefits Within Public Building Renovation Strategies; a European Perspective” – Sebastian Botzler


We are pleased to invite you to the guest lecture by Sebastian Botzler, M.Sc, researcher and PhD candidat, a project leader for TUM – Technische Universität München for the Horizon2020 project “EmBuild – Empower public authorities to establish a long-term strategy for mobilizing investment in the energy efficient renovation of the building stocks”, that will take place on Friday, the 29 of March 2019 at 15.00h, in the Room 200 of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade.

“Prioritisation of Socio-economic Benefits Within Public Building Renovation Strategies; a European Perspective”

All welcome!

Abstract of lecture:
The whole building sector could save 90% of CO2-emissions by 2050, when performing deep and comprehensive energy efficient renovation measures. However, the current situation shows renovation rates around 1% throughout the European Union, which is far less than the targeted 3% rate to reach the expected reduction of energy consumption.

The lecture introduces a non-technological methodology to motivate municipalities, regions and countries to invest in building renovation: The concept of wider benefits of deep building renovation. But what are wider benefits?

When improving energy efficiency or performing deep renovation measures on individual buildings or building blocks, a wide range of ‘side-effects’ affecting a municipality can be observed, measured and calculated. The influenced areas span from direct economic impacts, like energy-cost savings or indirect economic effects (e.g. job creation and macroeconomic effects), over sociocultural and health benefits to public budget and infrastructure improvements.

Sebastian Botzler will illustrate his approach to sort, structure and prioritise this wide range of topics according to regional and municipal characteristics and opportunities in different European countries. A short excursion will lead to the measurement and evaluation of these benefits and how they are integrated in long term renovation strategies. Changing the perspective, the decision and investment mechanisms of a municipality is the key and will take a particular place in the lecture. The importance of this pre-selection of appropriate topics for single municipalities will be highlighted with examples. Also the heterogeneity of European Countries. Member states and candidate countries are shown.

From a methodological side, handling of indicators, the weighting of parameters in matrices and finally the data collection in collaboration with property managers and municipalities will close the lecture.

Sebastian Botzler will also introduce his new project EERAdata which focuses on socio-economic data frameworks in European municipalities and cities. The introduction of wider benefits as part of the new EPBD’s will be discussed in a work-shop like session after the lecture.


Short biography:
Sebastian Botzler, M.Sc. is researcher and PhD candidat with a specific focus on building renovation and in particular, the socio-economic and ecological effects of energy efficiency measures. By coupling risk-analysis and probability theory with building performance simulation and policy analysis, he is developing strategies and political arguments closely together with municipalities and regions. He was project leader for TUM for the Horizon2020 project “EmBuild – Empower public authorities to establish a long-term strategy for mobilizing investment in the energy efficient renovation of the building stocks”. And in 2019 he is coordinating the European project EERAdata, which is focusing on support measures for socio-economic building related data management in municipalities. After his studies he worked as a consultant for sustainable buildings, mainly in consulting municipalities and investors related to building renovation and green building certification.

List of recent publications:
• Dotzler, C., Botzler, S., Kierdorf, D., & Lang, W. (2018). Methods for optimising energy efficiency and renovation processes of complex public properties. Energy and Buildings, 164C, pp. 254-265.
• Botzler, S., Greve M. (2018). Technical Guide – Methodologies to assess and quantify wider benefits and energy savings of deep building renovation. Report within the EmBuild Project. Horizon 2020 European Union Research and Innovation Program. Technische Universität München, Zentrum für nachhaltiges Bauen, München. 25.08.2018
• Botzler, S. (2017). Incorporating wider benefits of energy efficiency measures in local and regional decision-making processes. In: Proceedings of Balkan Architectural Biennale – Balkan patterns in urbanism and architecture: Challenges. Belgrade. 22.12.2017
• Botzler, S.; Dahmen, J.; (2017): Evaluation and specification of wider benefits of deep renovation measures. Report within the EmBuild Project. Horizon 2020 European Union Research and Innovation Program. Technische Universität München, Zentrum für nachhaltiges Bauen, München. 24.04.2017
• Botzler, S.; Kellermann, L.: Knowledge Based Behaviour Modelling: Dependencies and Energy Consumption Impact of Specific Occupant Behaviour Parameters. BEHAVE 2016, 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Coimbra, 2016.
• Kierdorf, D., Botzler, S. & Dotzler, C. (2016). Assessings Sustainable Retrofits of Public Non-Residential Buildings. BEHAVE 2016 – 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency. Coimbra, 8-9 September 2016
• Botzler, S.; Kolarik, J.; Olesen, B. W.: Investigating peoples’ preferences of automated indoor climate control facilities. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2014, International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), Hong Kong, 07/2014.
• Panagiota, P.; Botzler, S.; Krug, K.; Straub, D.: Measuring the consequences of wildfires in a Bayesian network with vulnerability and exposure indicators. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, 2013.

