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PT2020 _ CIRCLE Graf 01

Keeping up with technologies to act responsively in urban environment

PT2020 Conference is holding online, October 29-30, 2020.

The conference examines the formation and presentation of knowledge on technologies and the environment, as well as ethical considerations and potential risks, developing solutions, expertise and discussions with respect to one of the future development concepts – city adaptable to future challenges.

Keeping up with technologies to act responsively in urban environment is the leading idea-motive of the conference. By using appropriate technologies and with a multidisciplinary approach it can be ensured responsible approaches and long-term solutions for current and future social needs. Consequently, the conference program and research are based on the knowledge of several academic disciplines: architecture, engineering and further technical sciences, art, humanities and social sciences.

The main tasks of the conference are defined in order to discuss the issues related to

  • responsible city,
  • responsible methodologies and approaches,
  • planning and design strategies that empower citizens involvement,
  • multidisciplinary cooperation of different scientific fields development of the responsible city,
  • cooperation in architectural design and related arts,
  • utilization of future technologies


Having minded the conference goals and objectives, we wish to research and understand from the critical aspect the importance and role of technology in design and creation of adaptable city through the following domains:

  • Image, identity and quality of place
  • Innovative methods, technologies and applications in co-creation, co-design and co-production
  • Architectural design and new construction technologies
  • Building structures and materials
  • Adaptive reuse
  • Preservation of built heritage
  • Landscape architecture, natural heritage and nature-based solutions
  • Urban mobility, transport and traffic solutions
  • Citizen empowerment, urban participation and responsible cities
  • Heritage, tourism and the Danube region
  • Spatial development
  • Health and well-being improvement