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“CROSS/HOUSE: Sustainable Housing – Cross-Cultural Society” Network, coordinated by the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, is fully awarded network in CEEPUS Programme for the year 2021/22


CROSS/HOUSE” Network is awarded by CEEPUS Programme as a full network for the academic year 2021/22. The Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade is the coordinator of this high-education network of 10 partner universities from Poland to Montenegro. The network was already accepted in CEEPUS Programme for the academic year 2020/21, although with a first-step “umbrella” status. CEEPUS is a programme for the exchange of students and professors from the Danubian and neighbouring countries of Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe.


The target topic for this network is to form a higher-education platform for East-European housing studies in architecture and urbanism and to support smaller partners in establishing their own doctoral studies in this field.  The most noticeable reason to opt for this topic is a gap between the intensive housing development in this region in Europe and abundant related research in the one side and the lack of proper reflection of this dynamics in higher education in the other side. In accordance to this, the main aim of this network is to establish grassroots for the formation of prospective East-European housing studies at the faculties in architecture and urbanism that are the core of this network consortium.


Institutions-partners in this exchange network:

  1. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Serbia (coordinator)
  2. University of Banja Luka – Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia, Bulgaria
  4. Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Architecture, Czech Republic
  5. Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Faculty of Architecture, Hungary
  6. University of Montenegro – Faculty of Architecture, Podgorica, Montenegro
  7. Cyril and Methodius University – Faculty of Architecture, Skopje, North Macedonia
  8. Tadeusz Kościuszko Krakow University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture, Poland
  9. Politehnica University of Timișoara – Faculty of Architecture and City Planning, Romania
  10. University of Maribor – Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture, Slovenia


Coordinator of the network and the main representative on the behalf of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade:

Aleksandra Djukić, associate professor


Technical secretaries of the network:

Jelena Marić, teaching assistant

Branislav Antonić, teaching assistant


More info:

CEEPUS: www.ceepus.info

TOPIC: https://www.ceepus.info/upload/FileViewer.aspx?ID=CDDCB425B7C53901C15CDA0C2510D10F63B52BFC91A5106A9C4E95DE82512127