Two representatives of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade – Prof. Aleksandra Djukić and Asst. Branislav Antonić – participated in the meeting of the DANUrB+ INTERREG Project in Calarasi, Romania, on May 30-June 3, 2022. The meeting sessions were also attended by the associate partners of the faculty from Smederevo and Sombor. The topics of the sessions were: action plans for Danubian cities and towns, work with stakeholders at the local level, establishing the project quality label and intangible cultural heritage along the Danube. Aside od the sessions, faculties of architecture from Budapest and Belgrade agreed about joint activities in the area of Sombor in Serbia and Baja in Hungary.
Team from the Faculty of Architecture at the meeting of the DANUrB+ INTERREG Project in Calarasi, Romania