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GF visit

Visit to the laboratories of Civil Engineering Faculty of University of Belgrade 06.07.2023.

Five weeks of the first Summer School of Architecture for students of the French school ESTP passed by already! After an intense first week full of interesting lectures, workshops occupied most of the student’s time, working with teachers to define and shape their project proposals in different scopes and thematic frameworks. We also visited Sava Centar construction site, thanks to the company HYPER FAÇADE whose CEO and founder, architect Nenad Simić gave a very interesting guest lecture at Faculty of Architecture. We went to the basement of technical faculty building to visit the laboratories of Civil Engineering Faculty and see how CLT panels are tested on vibrations. Final days of the summer school were full of heat and busier than usual – preparing the posters and models for the final exhibition and the closing party on 14.07! This was an amazing experience for all of us and we hope that we have established a regular annual event!  

MM lecture

Lecture of Assistant Professor Marko Marinković from the Civil Engineering Faculty of University of Belgrade, about the seismic protection of buildings, 28.06.2023.

NS lecture

Lecture of Nenad Simić, architect, CEO and founder of HYPER FAÇADE, 05.07.2023.

SC visit

Visit to Sava Centar construction site, tech lead of HYPER FAÇADE: engineer Slobodan Milošević explaining  details of the facade refurbishment project, 05.07.2023. 

arh constr workshop

Architecture / Construction technology workshop – Re-shaping the open block: transformation of existing structures, Associate professor Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, PhD, Teaching assistant Tijana Žišić, M.Arch / Radionica  Architecture

landscape workshop

Workshop LANDSCAPE: Re-shaping the open block: landscape transformation, Associate professor Jelena Živković, PhD, Teaching assistant with PhD Predrag Jovanović

urbanism workshop

Workshop URBANISM: Re-shaping the open block: urban design, Associate professor Ksenija Lalović, PhD, Teaching assistant Jovana Bugarski, M.Arch

group photo aula

Group photo of Summer School participants in the aula of Technical faculty building

group photo exibition

Group photo of Summer School participants in the final exhibition of the Summer School workshops at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, room 254, 14.07.2023.

closing exibition

Closing speech of Mr. Stanislas Pierret, the director of French Cultural center at the exhibition of the Summer School workshops at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, room 254, 14.07.2023.