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Teaching Assistant

Department of Urbanism

Room 253

Scientific field:
Urbanism and spatial planning

Research interests:
Urban planning and design, history of urbanism, urban dimension of housing, towns and small cities


Dr Branislav M. Antonić (1983) is a teaching assistant at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, where he graduated (2008) and received his PhD status (2018). Prior to his assistant position, he worked as a scientific researcher fellow at the faculty (2012-17).His professional engagement is connected to the field of urbanism, with the focus on urban planning, the urban dimension of housing and the development of towns and small cities. As an external assistant of the Research-Business Centre of the Faculty, he has been a member of the working team of urban plans (24), spatial plans (9), urban studies (4), urban (3) and architectural design projects (2). He also participated in the organisation of several scientific and professional conferences, workshops and professional exhibitions. Aside of this, he is also a member of several international and national professional associations in the field of urbanism.


Scientific contribution: He is a regular participant at international and domestic scientific conferences, where he has presented and published more than 60 scientific papers since 2012. In addition, the scientific opus includes 6 articles in journals on the SCI list and several published chapters in the monographs of international importance.

Awards and recognitions: He has won several awards and prizes in the field of urbanism, which he received as a member of the team for an award-winning plan or study, as well as an award for an international research project and an award for the best monograph chapter for an annual opus of a renowned publishing company. Additionally, several awards have been given to students for the works for which he has been a member of the supervising board.

National scientific and research projects and networks:

1. Childrenand Family-Friendly Urban Co-Design for Open Public Space National manual and Urban Study for the City of Čačak (2022) / project manager and senior researcher 

International scientific and research projects and networks:

  1. DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Danube’s Cultural Heritage – DANUrB+ / 2020-22 / INTERREG EU Danube Transnational Programme / communication manager & researcher.
  2. CREATIVE DANUBE: Innovative Teaching for Inclusive Development in Small and Medium-Sized Danubian Cities / 2019-2022 / Erasmus+ KA203 Cooperation Programme / communication manager & researcher.
  3. CROSS/HOUSE: Sustainable Housing – Cross-Cultural Society / 2020- / CEEPUS Programme / technical secretary of the network.
  4. CA18204 Dynamics of Placemaking and Digitization in Europe´s Cities / 2019-2023 / COST EU Action / MC Substitute.
  5. Comprehensive Urban Governance Project / 2019-2020 / SlovakAid Programme / junior researcher.
  6. DANube Urban Brand – a regional network building through tourism and education to strengthen the “Danube” cultural identity and solidarity – DANUrB / 2017-19 / INTERREG EU Danube Transnational Programme / communication manager & researcher.