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Author archive for Архитектонски факултет

  • AUR 2014/15 History and Theory: Nathalie Blanc

    By Архитектонски факултет on 03/04/2015
    / Четвртак, 09.04.2015 / 18.00 часова / Амфитеатар / Позивамо Вас на девето предавање у оквиру циклуса Архитектура. Утопија. Реализам. – АУР 2014/15: програм гостујућих предавања на коме ће се представити урбани географ Dr. Nathalie Blanc, директор истраживања Националног центра за научна истраживања (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS) у Паризу (Université Paris 7). Предавање “Environmental aesthetics at the time of the Anthropocene” припада тематском циклусу Историја и теорија. Добродошли!
  • AUR 2014/15 City and Society: Yoshiharu Tsukamoto & Momoyo Kaijima [Atelier Bow-Wow]

    By Архитектонски факултет on 25/03/2015
    /Четвртак, 02.04.2015./18.00 часова/Амфитеатар/ Позивамо Вас на осмо предавање у оквиру циклуса Архитектура. Утопија. Реализам. – АУР 2014/15: програм гостујућих предавања на коме ће се представити архитекте Yoshiharu Tsukamoto и Momoyo Kaijima, оснивачи архитектонског студија Atelier Bow-Wow. Предавање “Behaviorology, Commonalities, and Actor Network Theory.” припада тематском циклусу Град и друштво. Добродошли!
  • AUR 2014/15 City and Society: Selva Gürdoğan & Gregers Tang Thomsen [Superpool]

    By Архитектонски факултет on 16/03/2015
    Позивамо Вас на седмо предавање у оквиру циклуса Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja на коме ће се представити архитекте Selva Gürdoğan и Gregers Tang Thomsen, оснивачи архитектонског студија Superpool. Предавање 'INITIATE! Possible futures for an expanding mega city.' припада тематском циклусу Град и друштво. Добродошли...
  • AUR 2014/15 Architecture and Art: Mike Tonkin & Anna Liu [Tonkin Liu]

    By Архитектонски факултет on 09/03/2015
    Позивамо Вас на шесто предавање у оквиру циклуса Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja на коме ће се представити архитекте Mike Tonkin i Anna Liu, оснивачи архитектонског студија Tonkin Liu. Предавање припада тематском циклусу Архитектура и уметност...
  • AUR 2014/15 History and Theory Lecture: Karin Šerman

    By Архитектонски факултет on 23/02/2015
    /Četvrtak, 05.03.2015. godine/19.00 časova/Amfiteatar/ Pozivamo Vas na peto gostujuće predavanje u okviru programa Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja koje pripada tematskom ciklusu Istorija i teorija. Gost je Karin Šerman teoretičarka je arhitekture i profesorica arhitektonske teorije na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Dobrodošli!
  • Domus Guide 2015: Our Faculty Among 100 Best Architecture and Design Schools in Europe!

    By Архитектонски факултет on 30/12/2014
    Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade reaches top 100 list of architecture and design schools in Europe for 2015, made by DOMUS magazine for architecture. Europe’s Top 100 Schools of Architecture and Design was published as a special supplement of December issue of DOMUS magazine...
  • AUR 2014/15 Design and Technologies Lecture: Héctor Mendoza & Mara Partida

    By Архитектонски факултет on 12/12/2014
    /Četvrtak, 18.12.2014. godine/18.00 časova/Amfiteatar/ Pozivamo Vas na četvrto predavanje u okviru Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: programa gostujućih predavanja na kome će se predstaviti meksičke arhitekte Héctor Mendoza i Mara Partida, osnivači MX_SI studija u Barseloni. Predavanje pripada tematskom ciklusu Projektovanje i tehnologije. Dobrodošli!
  • AUR 2014/15 Architecture and Art Lecture: Betti Marenko

    By Архитектонски факултет on 08/12/2014
    /Četvrtak, 11.12.2014. godine/18.00 časova/Amfiteatar/ Pozivamo Vas na treće predavanje u okviru novog serijala: treće gostujuće predavanje u okviru programa Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja pripada tematskom ciklusu Arhitektura i umetnost. Dr Betti Marenko je rukovodilac programa Kontekstualnih studija za dizajn proizvoda i rukovodilac istraživanja za program industrijskog dizajna i dizajna proizvoda i keramike, na čuvenom koledžu Central Saint Martins, Univerziteta umetnosti u Londonu.
  • AUR 2014/15 Laureates and Candidates Lecture: Christoph Gantenbein

    By Архитектонски факултет on 27/11/2014
    /Četvrtak, 04.12.2014. godine/18.00 časova/Amfiteatar/ Pozivamo Vas na drugo predavanje u okviru novog serijala: drugo gostujuće predavanje u okviru programa Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja pripada tematskom ciklusu Laureati i kandidati, posvećenom monografskim prikazima aktuelnih i istaknutih ahitektonskih praksi.
  • International Conference EAHN2015 Belgrade: Intertwined Histories – Multiple Geographies

    By Архитектонски факултет on 21/11/2014
    The University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture is pleased to announce the European Architectural History Network (EAHN) thematic conference Entangled Histories, Multiple Geographies to be held in Belgrade, Serbia on 14-17 October 2015.
  • AUR 2014/15 Design and Technologies Lecture: Edouard Cabay

    By Архитектонски факултет on 14/11/2014
    /Utorak, 18.11.2014. godine/19.00 časova/Amfiteatar/ Pozivamo Vas na prvo predavanje u okviru novog serijala Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja gde će se predstaviti španski arhitekta Edouard Cabay, osnivač APPAREIL studija u Barseloni. Predavanje pripada tematskom ciklusu Projektovanje i tehnologije. Dobrodošli!
  • Architecture. Utopia. Realism. – AUR 2014/15: Events Program

    By Архитектонски факултет on 14/11/2014
    This lecture series is a continuation of the AUR Guest Lecture Program 2013/14 that followed the International Scientific Conference: Architecture Utopia Realism (AUR), organized by the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, on 3rd and 4th October 2013...
  • Exibition: Selected Master Projects: Course M9.2 2013/14

    By Архитектонски факултет on 04/11/2014
    The exhibition of selected Master Projects: Course M9.2. , academic year 2013/2014 was organized as a part of the celebration of the School Day. The exhibition was opened by Vladan Djokić, Dean of the Faculty, and Prof. Branislav Mitrović, and the setting included a display of posters and models of the 27 of the 29 selected master design works of graduates of the Faculty of Architecture...
  • International exhibition: LOW CARBON: From City to Architecture – Green Architecture in China and Serbia

    By Архитектонски факултет on 28/10/2014
    International exhibition ‘’Green Architecture in China and Serbia’’ organized by the Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade and Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House from China was officially opened at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, on Monday October 27, 2014...
  • Workshop: Belgrade Scapes LAB

    By Архитектонски факултет on 04/07/2014
    As a product of collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade, Centre for Architecture and IDNet, Novi Sad, the first Belgrade Scapes LAB was organized in the premises of the Cultural Centre of Belgrade, in the period April 4 -8, 2014. The event brought together 120 architecture students from the whole region and more than 20 lecturers and renowned experts from all over the world, who were involved in lectures, discussions, film projections and workshops relating to the topic “Big Projects”.
  • Exhibition: Selected Master Projects: Course M9.2 2012/13

    By Архитектонски факултет on 30/10/2013
    The final exhibition of all students’ works for II year of Master’s Academic studies Architecture 2013/14. MODULE M9 – Master Project
  • Conference: ISSUES? Concerning The Projects Of Peter Eisenman

    By Архитектонски факултет on 29/10/2013
    ISSUES? Concerning The Projects Of Peter Eisenman was a two-day conference organized by the Faculty of Architecture - University of Belgrade and the Center for Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy (CELAP) in Belgrade on November 11-12, 2013. The conference was focused on the long-standing and outstanding work of architect Peter Eisenman – almost fifty years of his theoretical and educational work and nearly twenty-five years of active participation in architectural practice. The aim was to initiate a critical discussion between architects and theorists, through discussions on issues ranging from the Renaissance to the legacy of problems related to the autonomy of the discipline and the presence of digital technology...
  • Conference: Architecture of Deconstruction / The Specter of Jacques Derrida

    By Архитектонски факултет on 25/11/2012
    Architecture of Deconstruction / The Specter of Jacques Derrida was a three-day (October 25-27, 2012) international scientific conference organized by the Faculty of Architecture- University of Belgrade and the Center for Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy (CELAP). The conference was aimed at drawing attention to the question of dividing lines between the disciplines of architecture and philosophy. Using the perspective of the relation between architectural theory and practice, which once aspired to be labeled deconstructivist, and the works of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, the conference was aimed at defining whether a new kind of unease has emerged in the contemporary relations between the two disciplines...