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IN:CONTINUUM workshop spatial installation at the exhibition area of the Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrade


Student workshop in collaboration with the Museum of Science and Technology
23rd January 2018

Workshop Leader: Милош Костић (Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade)
Assistants: Јелена Радошевић (Музеј науке и технике), Марко Драгичевић, Александра Миловановић
Student participants: Tilinger Dezire, Николић Катарина, Живковић Милица, Трајковић Соња, Ђурица Ђорђе, Плањанин Хелена, Пашић Душица, Крстић Дуња, Живковић Александра, Илић Јована, Ђорђевић Ненад, Димитријевић Коста, Бераћ Славиша, Павићевић Даница, Давидовић Милица.
Photos: Душица Пашић
Video Editor: Немања Халиловић

IN:CONTINUUM, an extracurricular academic workshop was organised on Tuesday, 23rd January 2018, as the first step in a collaboration between the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture and the Museum of Science and Technology, initiated by Prof. Ivan Rašković, MSc Rifat Kulenović (Director of the Museum of Science and Technology) and MSc Anja Radaković (Senior Curator, Head of Programme Activities).

The participants of this one-day workshop were the first year students of Master academic studies in Architecture and Integral Urbanism. The workshop was organised and conducted by Miloš Kostić, research assistant, Marko Dragicević and Aleksandra Milovanović, student associates, also took part in the workshop, while professional and technical assistance was provided by Jelena Radosević (museum programme organiser – thematic exhibitions) from the Museum of Science and Technology.


Student participants: Tilinger Dezire, Nikolić Katarina, Živković Milica, Trajković Sonja, Đurica Đorđe, Planjanin Helena, Pašić Dušica, Krstić Dunja, Živković Aleksandra, Ilić Jovana, Đorđević Nenad, Dimitrijević Kosta, Berać Slaviša, Pavićević Danica, Davidović Milica. | Photos: Dušica Pašić, Video Editor: Nemanja Halilović

The concept of the workshop was based around research and design work centred on conceiving, designing and realising a spatial installation at the exhibition area of the Museum. First of all, the participants explored structural, technical and spatial possibilities for the concept of a “free flow” idea, using research work and experiments with materials.

The process of installation design was conceived as an open, irregular and spontaneous one, where the idea of free spatial form was replaced by the idea of free thought on the shaping process and its result.




Algorithmic construction logic and modularity of the basic elements in the installation model.

Using algorithmic construction logic and modularity of the basic elements, the installation model was in the state of constant change and irregularity throughout the working process, with the tendency of establishing its own balance through static and natural laws.

Instead of a space-defined form, the model was conceived as an infinite process of extension and transformation of the spatial coverage, using intuition as the main guideline of the design process.

The complete photo album taken at the workshop is available at the following website:



A spatial installation at the exhibition area of the Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrade