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  • DANUrB Project: the 3rd National Workshop in Smedrevo – February 26, 2019

    By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 05/04/2019
    The group of 25 students from the 4th and 5th year of the Integrated Academic Studies of Architecture and staff from the Master course M06-Urbanism Studio at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade attended the 3rd national DANUrB – DANube Urban Brand student workshop in Smederevo in February 26, 2019.
  • Report: DANUrB Project – Working meeting in Belgrade, February 22-23, 2019

    By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 04/04/2019
    The first workshop within “DANUrB – DANube Urban Brand” Project in 2019 was held in Belgrade, Serbia, in February 22-23, 2019. The main organiser of the meeting was the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade as a project partner, while its co-organiser and associate strategic partner of the faculty – the City of Smederevo though its Tourist Board – through the Tourist Organisation was a host for all participants during a local cultural tour, held on the first day of the meeting.
  • DANUrB partner meeting at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, February 22-23, 2019

    By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 07/02/2019
    / 22-23.02.2019 / The first meeting of DANUrB INTERREG Project in 2019 is scheduled at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade on February 22-23. Partners from 39 organisations and from 7 Danube countries will discuss ongoing project activities in Belgrade during these two days. This meeting also includes a half-day cultural tour to Smederevo, which is an associate strategic partner of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade at the project.
  • The first national DANUrB Workshop in the Iron Gates Region – November 30, 2018

    By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 22/12/2018
    20 students from Master Studies in Integral Urbanism program and staff from the Master course МАСИУ-11030 Савремени урбанистички концепти (Contemporary Urban Concepts) at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade attended the first national DANUrB student workshop in the Iron Gates Region in November 30, 2018. This was a one-day on-site event and meeting. All participants from Belgrade visited several important locations in the region and met local stakeholders, with whom they started the last phase of DANUrB research considering the project strategy.